This search will open a new tab to the library online catalog.
Location & Hours
We are located on the 3rd floor of the Medical Education Center.
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
After hours access is available with a badge.
In order to order a book or article please fill out the request form.
For research requests please complete the search form.
To report a problem with an online resource click here.
Allow 24 hours for request fulfillment during the week, and 72 hours on weekends and holidays.
For any additional questions please email at
Contact Information
Richard D. Haines Medical Library
2401 S. 31st St, MS-AG-302
Temple, TX 76508
Phone: 254-724-2228
Fax: 254-724-4229
Your Librarians are always happy to answer questions and assist with research needs.
The Richard D. Haines Medical Library serves the clinical programs and meets the educational and research needs of the Central Texas region of Baylor Scott & White Healthcare. We also welcome patrons unaffiliated with Baylor Scott & White Healthcare to use the library's resources on-site during regular business hours. If you have additional questions about the library that are not answered here, please contact us by phone 254-724-2228 or email
Medical librarians will conduct a literature search for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel at BSWH. Once a topic is submitted, patrons will receive a response within 48 business hours. You will receive a list of relevant article abstracts, books, or websites to review. If you wish to receive a copy of the full-text of a particular article or book, please let us know. We will email you a copy of the relevant article or detail how to access the desired book electronically or physially at our library or through our Interlibrary Loan. Please remember that the more detail you submit about your research, the better we will be able to help you.
Medical Librarians
Carole Gruhn: 254-724-6389
Amberlyn Phillips: 254-724-6495
Jeff Swindoll: 254-724-2374
For more information about our services, please see our Research Help tab under the Services guide.
To inquire about availability and the schedule a reservation, please email or call 254-724-2228.
Copying and faxing services are also available to our patrons at no cost. We have two copy machines, one is located in room 319 and the other is in the back of the library near the second kiosk. Please note that color printing is not available.
Please call or email us if you need to renew an item.
When sending in an ILL request, please include as much information as possible (title, author, publication date, edition, etc.). This will ensure the library staff locates the correct item.
Most ILL requests for journal articles can be filled electronically within two business days, but physical books may take up to two weeks to arrive. Please note that items delivered through ILL are borrowed at the discretion of the lending library, which determines how long materials may be borrowed (typically between two and six weeks). For more information about interlibrary loan, please see our Interlibrary Loan tab under the Services guide.
Having a problem accessing a resource? Click Here
If you want to check out an item after hours, take the card located in the back of the desired book and print your name and phone number on it. Then leave the card on the circulation desk.