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What is Primo?

Primo is the library's discovery & delivery tool. Primo All Search allows users to simultaneously search across, and quickly access, the Library's multiple electronic and print resources. Users can initiate searches by entering search terms into the 'Search Anything' search box. 

Use the search box to:

  • Search Catalog for physical and electronic resources that the library purchased
  • Articles by titles or subject
  • All Resources for everything (some resources may need to be ordered)

How do I login/register in Primo?

The Sign in link is available at the top-right corner of Primo search and results pages.

Please note that before you can login to Primo, you must have a registered and active account.

Register here and allow 24 hours for the information to be processed, or come into the library and register at the Circulation Desk.

Registration is not required to use Primo.

Registration is required in order to:

  • Save and share searches,
  • Receive alerts for new results for searches, 
  • Renew book loans
  • Pin favorite resources
  • Save, label, group and share individual records (bibliographic details about a library resource)
  • See current search history

Google Scholar

1. Go to Google Scholar and click on the options button in the top left corner of the Google Scholar Homepage.                

2. Click on the Settings gear button. 

3. Click on "Library Links" from the menu on the left.


4. Search 'Baylor" and choose the Central Texas option and save. When you are logged into your Google account your preferences should be remembered.