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This guide compiles Obstetrics & Gynecology resources and materials available through the Richard D. Haines Medical Library. Our goal is to serve both students and clinicians in their education, research, and patient care efforts.
Sample Case for Medical Complications of Pregnancy > Anemia in Pregnancy (Folate Deficiency):
A 29-year-old G2P1 woman at 15 weeks’ gestation is seen for her second prenatal visit. Her antenatal history is unremarkable except for some nausea and vomiting in the first trimester. The patient was noted to be anemic on her prenatal screen with a hemoglobin level of 9.5 g/dL and a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of 105 fL. One year ago, her hemoglobin level was 11 g/dL with an MCV of 92 fL. On examination, her blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, her heart rate is 80 beats per minute, and she is afebrile. The thyroid gland appears normal on palpation. The heart and lung examinations are unremarkable. The fundus is at the umbilicus. The fetal heart tones are in the 140 to 150 beats per minute range. A fetal ultrasound shows a normal, single gestation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is the underlying mechanism?
What is the significance of the anemia to the pregnancy?
Click here to explore the answers
CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.