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We are located on the 3rd floor of the Medical Education Center.
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
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For research requests please complete the search form.
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Allow 24 hours for request fulfillment during the week, and 72 hours on weekends and holidays.
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Contact Information
Richard D. Haines Medical Library
2401 S. 31st St, MS-AG-302
Temple, TX 76508
Phone: 254-724-2228
Fax: 254-724-4229
Your Librarians are always happy to answer questions and assist with research needs.
Let us do the research for you. Fill out the above form and we'll get you information (usually within 24 hours). Feedback is important, so let us know if we don't get what you're looking for.
Nursing Reference Center Plus provides staff nurses and nurse educators with a resource that supports education goals, encourages residents and students to access the original research, and provides options for patient care while preserving and supporting the essential learning opportunities that educators want to provide.
CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.
Films On Demand is a comprehensive, curriculum-focused video subscription providing 400 streaming educational videos covering a broad range of topics in the nursing field, including skills and foundations. An ideal resource for student nurses and those studying for licensure exams.
Brevity is your friend when doing a basic search. Databases are not like Google, in that you cannot put in a complete sentence for a search. You need to focus on using KEYWORDS.
Example Topic:
MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
You can use Mesh on Demand find appropriate medical terminology. Click this link to access MeSH on Demand. MeSH on Demand identifies MeSH® terms in your submitted text (abstract or manuscript). MeSH on Demand also lists PubMed similar articles relevant to your submitted text.
Most library databases have search tools built in. Try some of these:
Look on the left and right of your search results, or for an "advanced search" page to find these tools - and more!
Evaluate any resource using the 5 Ws:
Narrow your results by adding "AND" between your keywords.
Narrow your results by adding "NOT" between your keywords.
This is an example of a search in PubMed.
Use "OR" to expand results.