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Location & Hours
We are located on the 3rd floor of the Medical Education Center.
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
After hours access is available with a badge.
In order to order a book or article please fill out the request form.
For research requests please complete the search form.
To report a problem with an online resource click here.
Allow 24 hours for request fulfillment during the week, and 72 hours on weekends and holidays.
For any additional questions please email at
Contact Information
Richard D. Haines Medical Library
2401 S. 31st St, MS-AG-302
Temple, TX 76508
Phone: 254-724-2228
Fax: 254-724-4229
Your Librarians are always happy to answer questions and assist with research needs.
If available or needed, you can add a video or a podcast or both.